Friday, August 5, 2016

Life on Fire

      *photograph of setting sun with clouds of smoke hovering on horizon**

Fires in the forest, casting shadows tallest
Turning into black, abundant green flawless
Life being poisoned with fiery potion
No care in the world for lost emotions 

Making Clouds of smoke, maybe some Fume
Seems like a game of gloom and doom
Approaching fire, what will transpire
Will take your life, what took those bloom

Birds congregating, trying to sit it out
Will life have a chance! Still in doubt
Breathing heavily losing innocent souls
Little flightless ones couldn't fight it out

Sun trying its best to shine through
Still convincing sky beyond is blue
Undoubtedly, it is destined circle of life
Things will be now, starting all anew

A few days ago I was coming back from airport after picking up a family member. California fires had been burning for a day and the sky was black from the soot, giving the impression of thunderous rain clouds. By the time we were on our way back, the horizon was ablaze with setting sun which was desperately trying to leave its last marks on earth before bidding adieu.

It was very much like any other sunset, except if you have paid attention to a lot of them; you can't miss the veil of ominous soot laden clouds trying to block the last few rays of warmth. Sun was trying to make its every last effort to shine through and looks like was just too tired and ready to give up and go back to sleep. A constant tussle between making lasting impressions before one takes leave and life's experiences defining you. I took some photographs and while looking on to get the glimpse of what won't be seen for another day, I could not stop myself from thinking......

How similar is today's setting sun with a person getting ready to face challenges of old age! We see an old person and the appearance borders between a veil and map of their life. Partly hiding what lies beneath and partly reflecting all that one has gone through. Their personality still shining through, trying to make it's mark despite the shaking limbs, crisscrossed face and lagging agility. That is a place we will All be, no matter what; unless the fires of our lives becomes so intense that they hide the sun completely.

I want to try and see the child that was there once behind the veil of wrinkles. This will be my new pursuit in my interactions with elderly.

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