Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Enslaved soul

** dedicated to those little girls who have been enslaved by terrorists, to be sold** may you find your freedom soon**

I was named a name
That seemed pious and sane
Will bring me good luck 
Though seemed arcane

Loved by mother and father alike
And ties with family were lovingly tight
Not a day went by when we did not pray
Workload that day be heavy or light

We built sand castles with pebbles and sticks
Each one of us had our own tricks
What we ate and dressed and played and read
Not a care in life, like flowers adrift

Then came this herd of socalled men
Who had their rusty rules to pen
Who lives, who dies and who is enslaved
It seemed to be only their decision

One lived only if echoed their path
Otherwise will have to face the wrath
These so called God's godly men
Didn't know that brood has many a wren

I did not give them any such claim
To speak for me, these social sin
To take my freedom and kill and maim
Then tell me they cared just the same

I could not utter my mind's concern
Nor could I tell them to be on run
For I had no power I know, they knew
As I lived my life on just their terms

They think they can take my breath away
Can break my spirit and claim me slave
This is not the first it happened ever
That some think to rule all night and day

Seems they forget that times do change 
For baddest of bad and greatest of great
Whatever they may consider themselves
They may not keep my soul afraid

For I will rise and rise I will
This is a promise I will fulfil
For my father and mother and sister little
And for brother who waits at windowsill 
I will go home and be with them 
Can't keep me away, no gun no men
Then one day when your reckoning comes
You will see just how you have become
If no one shows, the mirror will still
My joy restored, your life be nill 


Image from

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